Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My new begginings of 2011!

Hurray! i am back and at it finally. My lap top is up and working and i finally got my wireless router and got them up and going. 2011 and been quite a year so far its already almost valentines day and yet i sit here and go where has this last month gone! Lets see I got engaged on new years at 12:01 YAY it was sooo exciting. I love my man :D. Noah turned 6 months old and hes on the move everywhere. he rolls and rolls and rolls and scoots everywhere. hes eating solids not and sitting up and saying dad. as well at YELLING at his mom which he thinks is pretty funny which i do not lol. Harrison is doing really good in school since we got him full time its worked out for the best. Superbowl was this last weekend. I could really care less but.. We did win $40 bucks being on a board. yay. Then starting last weekend we ripped up the carpet and started painting and pulling up carpet and laying hardwood floor down!! it looks sooo great i really am loving it. as for the rest of the month.... its glenns birthday valentines day and a couple little gilry parties but not to much else going on. stay tuned to the inner mind of me for more... unitl later thanks for reading :D